How much do you have to earn to get a payday loan from a bank? Depending on the bank in which we are applying for a payday loan. Below you can check the proposals for payday loans in various banks.
To apply for a payday loan, you only need to earn at least PLN 500-600 net a month . If our income is enough to obtain such a payday loan, it is necessary to contact the selected bank. The bank will check what creditworthiness we have and we will find out in what amount and for what period of time we can take a loan.
In addition, to increase your creditworthiness you can combine income with your spouse or any other person.
Want to know: How much money do you have to earn to get a payday loan? Contact one of the following banks:
Banks most often accept different sources of income. It can be either a contract of employment, income from running a business, retirement, or even a civil law and lease / tenancy agreement.
Is payday loan obtainable if you receive income abroad?
It is possible, however, provided that it is settled at the Tax Office on the territory of Poland. The company should have a representative office in Poland and at the same time it is required that the entity should have a NIP and REGON number.
How much will I receive a loan with earnings of PLN 2,000
Assumptions: positive credit history, lack of other credit commitments and low maintenance costs. We should remember that banks calculate creditworthiness differently, using the same methodology. To find out whether we will receive a loan with given net income, it is necessary to contact the selected bank. The following calculations are for reference only.
If the income does not exceed PLN 2,000 gross, it usually does not count on more than PLN 4,000. And it does not matter for what period of time you intend to take out a payday loan.
Perhaps we will receive more in a loan company (short-term and installment loans), but it will be a loan more expensive than in a bank. Exception: short-term promotional loan for PLN 0 for new customers.
How much will I get a loan with earnings of PLN 800 net?
The loan period is 6-12 months: not more than PLN 1000.
Loan period over 12 months: approx. PLN 2000.
How much will I get credit at the lowest national rate
In the case of pay not exceeding the minimum wage or a little higher, you can get a maximum of about 7 thousand. PLN, with a repayment period not exceeding 12 months.
How much credit will I get with the national average
The average national remuneration is currently around PLN 3,800, which is approximately PLN 2700 net. With such incomes, the maximum payday loan amount is approximately PLN 16000 with a loan term not exceeding one year.
How much will I receive a loan with a salary above the national average
Above the national average, the maximum payday loan amount is PLN 200,000 z?.
Remember that the better your creditworthiness and creditworthiness, you can not only count on a larger loan amount, but also on better credit conditions.